This is a Sold. It is located on Orange Ave., Fort Pierce, FL.
Other commercial lands that I have recently listed and sold include on Gatlin Blvd., and on Prima Vista Blvd., both Port Saint Lucie.
I personally create all print-ready, graphics files for my listing signage. Well, that is, for everything that I do, actually.
My signs, the commercial ones and my residential hanging signs, are made with a metal sandwich that includes a sheet of aluminum on each side. After printing with automobile quality finishes, they are clear-coated. It is a big investment and they don’t stay up for very long!
Signs Matter!
What I am doing, as well, is purchasing a dot-com for every new signable listing, then putting a custom rider on my sign with the ________DOT-com,
and creating a web page just for your listing.
If I can help you, please Contact Me!